My New Blog

I made a new blog I’m not sure if I will still write on this one. If I do it will be for more personal or noncategorical posts. 

The Art Of Self Evolution

If you have read any of my earlier posts and compared them to this one, you would notice a change in my writing style. The main reason is because I have been doing a very poor job at writing posts, and I am working on that. However I have had this blog for years and my evolution as a writer and person  is evident throughout the years, at least in my opinion.  I am now trying to speed up my self-evolutionary process so that I can become the best version of myself within the near future.  I am becoming more self-aware and independent. I think Continue reading

Places I plan on visiting part 1

Here is a list of places around the world that I want to travel to and why. The destinations are listed in no particular order.

Papua New Guinea

Image Continue reading

Is It Weird How?


Travelling the world and experiencing as much of the world as we can is often viewed as something one does when young, before entering the workforce. Or something that one does after they retire and have completed their career Continue reading

Song Songs I’ve Been Really Liking

Hey guys it’s been a while since I’ve posted, I’ve been really busy with school  stuff. I’m just going to make a quick post  about some songs that I have been playing heavily over the past few months.  Let me know which songs you like or hate the most.

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Book Update

If you’ve been reading a few posts on here you would know that I have mentioned writing a book, I have decided to get back on that project again but with a new direction to head into. I have decided to write a fictional diary with commentary type of book about an eleven year old girl and the many very different stages in her life from following her through; living in a shelter, to Continue reading

Valentines + Reading Week

So  Valentines day  came and went and I’m still single, I’m not really actively looking for a boyfriend though so I’m not that bothered by it. But I am still stuck on John so in the spirit of valentines day I wore the plaid shirt that he is letting me borrow for the winter. Actually I wore it with the initial thought of using it to make me feel really smart. Since John is a major brainiac, and has a double major in Physics and Bio Chemistry, anyways I guess that  idea didn’t really work since the last few days just went by in a blur, I think I just needed to go Continue reading

I’m Back!

Okay so it’s been awhile since I have posted on this blog, you know the deal happens you get lazy and forget that you even had a blog to begin with. I am actually really impressed with all the people out there that can actually keep up with publishing new things on there blog. Anyways let me fill you all in on what has been happening with my life.  I took this fall semester off of university to work  which was kind of a bust since I worked at Costco for about a month and then was fired. I did make enough to pay off somethings that I owed my school from the previous semester though, which is good. However the job was extra Continue reading

Writers Block

If you’ve been reading my blog you would know that I planned on writing a book, I wasn’t joking about that I am actually doing it! I’m already done the first Continue reading

Surprise! I actually have a Life.

Okay so I know I haven’t really been updating like at all, but its been really hectic lately. A LOT has been going on, I moved away for university, which now that I think about it has been more stress filled then fun & I just got my laptop today so cut me some slack. OKAY :] Anyways I’ll try to write as often  I plan on Continue reading